Planning a funeral/memorial service

As a caring Christian community, we seek to be a supportive presence to any person or family facing the death of a loved one. Just as we journey with families and individuals in times of joy, we are also honoured to provide the comfort and support of a faith community in times of sorrow.

We believe that every human life is sacred – sacred in its being, sacred in its living, and sacred in its dying. When someone we care about dies, it is good and right that we come together as a community to remember and celebrate the life that was lived, and commend our loved one more deeply into God’s loving care in death. Taking time to mark the death of a loved one is part of how we honour the holiness of life, and to help us remember that “in life, in death, in life beyond death, God is with us. We are not alone.”†

Our minister facilitates funerals and memorial services in our historic sanctuary as well as in funeral homes.

Please see our Planning a funeral brochure for more info on booking a funeral at Westminster Church.

† from the United Church of Canada New Creed (Voices United, p. 918)